Business as usual is no longer an option! There is a growing realization among more and more politicians, businesses, and members of society that things cannot continue as they are. The number of challenges and issues that must be tackled and dealt with at a global level is enormous, viz.: human-induced climate change and the search for ways to develop a low-carbon economy; rapid population growth in developing and newly-industrialized countries; questions surrounding which fuels can be used in the energy mix to meet growing demand; and the distribution of food and raw materials. Then there are also basic social questions about how to ensure that wealth is fairly distributed, how to overcome the persistent poverty in the developing world that results from the pillaging of natural resources, and how to encourage civic participation in political and economic decision-making.
In this article we want to give our answer to the question about if and how corporate foresight can increase the likelihood that we move toward sustainability – both on a company and a societal level. Before entering into the discussion of what corporate foresight can do, let us highlight some of our observations on what is holding us back from engaging in sustainability actions, and thus creating sustainability of the necessary trajectory, scale, and velocity to actually meet the societal challenges.
More than ever, strategic decision-makers are expected to develop sustainable long-term strategies for their public or private organizations. Strategic foresight systems support decision-makers in systematically improving the quality of their future assumptions, strategic decisions, and plans. This article summarizes the most important mechanisms of support, presents three distinctive types of foresight systems and widely used methods, and explains how strategic foresight is anchored in actual day-to-day practice.
The Millennium Project was founded in 1996 after a three-year feasibility study with the United Nations University, Smithsonian Institution, Futures Group International, and the American Council for the UNU. It is now an independent non-profit global participatory futures research think tank of futurists, scholars, business planners, and policy makers who work for international organizations, governments, corporations, NGOs, and universities. The Millennium Project manages a coherent and cumulative process that collects and assesses judgments from over 2,500 people since the beginning of the project selected by its 40 Nodes around the world. The work is distilled in its annual "State of the Future", "Futures Research Methodology" series, and special studies. more[...]
The explosion of information, the increasing complexity of society, and the accelerating rate of technological change means previous information systems and sources are unable to give just-in-time guidance to inform the strategic planning process. One approach to improve input to strategic foresight is collective intelligence. I define it as an emergent property from synergies among data/information/knowledge, software/hardware, and experts (those with new insights as well as recognized authorities) that continually learn from feedback to produce just-in-time knowledge for better decisions than these elements would produce acting alone. The Millennium Project is a new kind of think tank producing foresight about the changing global strategic landscape. Its operations, implications for corporations, and next steps in creating a Global Futures Collective Intelligence System will be explained.
Looking to the future, what is needed – and what is just starting to emerge – is a new approach to CSR, which I call Systemic CSR, or CSR 2.0. This is a purpose-driven, principle-based approach, in which business seeks to identify and tackle the root causes of our present unsustainability and irresponsibility, typically through innovating business models, revolutionizing their processes, products and services and lobbying for progressive national and international policies. This leads to my first forecast.
The project Migration and Global Environmental Change examines how profound changes in environmental conditions such as flooding, drought and rising sea levels will influence and interact with patterns of global human migration over the next 50 years. Sir John Beddington, Professor Richard Black and Neil Adger explain what the final report concludes and what it means for the future of global migration. more[...]
All illustrations in this dossiers were done by Vincent Callebaut, a Belgian architect. He is considered one of the most important leaders in green architecture and low-emissions living. From New York to Hong Kong, Vincent Callebaut has proposed, with determination and conviction, ecological projects by creating local dialogs that try to raise questions about the types of societies we would like to live in as citizens of a global world.
Along with great architectural collaborators (Jakob+MacFarlane, Claude Vasconi, Jacques Rougerie), Callebaut advocates for the sustainable development of the new “Ecopolis” via strategies of architecture that combine biology with information and communication technologies.
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