A world you like. With a climate you like.


EU Commissioner for Climate Action and Act NOW Ambassador, Connie Hedegaard, has just launched a fantastic new EU initiative for climate action. The campaign “A world you like. With a climate you like” aims to help transition Europe toward a low-carbon society, thereby creating new green jobs, lower energy bills, and a better climate for all.

In this regard, Connie Hedegaard gave a speech about the need for climate action and why embracing the opportunity that lies in front of us is a unique opportunity. “Building a low-carbon economy is not a luxury; it is an opportunity to boost economic growth and create jobs in Europe, while creating a world you like. With a climate you like.”

“Through this campaign we want to bring those smart, climate-friendly solutions to the fore. We want to show what you can do as an individual, what businesses can do, and what we can achieve jointly in Europe, if we learn from each other."

She spoke about the urgency for acting and how our acting today has implications for tomorrow. “Last year saw the biggest increase in emissions we have ever seen. Meaning the biggest increase in the bill we pass on to future generations.”

Basically, there are two ways to look at it: “For some people addressing climate change just spells costs. It is not seen as an investment; it is not seen as an opportunity”, and then there are people with vision – people who act.

“That is what this campaign is about: about our responsibility to act; to act NOW in order to get a world you like. It is not too late to fix the climate.”

Read more on Connie Hedegaard’s blog

Or take a look at some of all the great cases on the campaign site


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