• Solar Power Help Deliver on Sustainable Growth


    PostNL installs 20,000 solar panels to significantly reduce carbon footprint.  more[...]

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  • Investments for a Greener Future

    Mihai Răducan

    With help from Norway Grants, ROMRADIATOARE has invested in modern and innovative technologies for improved environmental performance.  more[...]

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  • Smartening Up Tomorrow’s Agriculture

    Tobias Menne
    Bayer Group

    Food security ranks among the pressing challenges of a steadily increasing global population. Yet, there is not enough land left on Earth for further agricultural development. Creating an environment that promotes sustainable agriculture is critical to Bayer in providing enough food for ourselves and also our livestock well into the future. Bayer is contributing to counter these challenges, among other things, with the innovative approach of Digital Farming. This business model is part of Bayer’s contribution to support UN Sustainable Development Goal 2: “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture” and emphasizes our commitment to the UN Global Compact.  more[...]

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  • Environmental Measurements For Weather and Climate Resilience

    Tomi Rintanen
    Dr. Kevin Petty

    In recent years, the need for improved weather and climate data and information has become increasingly evident. As urbanization continues and society becomes increasingly reliant on infrastructure and technology, humankind is more and more vulnerable to the effects of climate change, extreme weather events, and other environmental hazards. The protection of life and property is highly dependent on the availability of accurate, precise data and information. For more than 80 years, Vaisala has addressed the need for quality environmental data and information through numerous scientific and technological advancements, enabling individuals and groups to better diagnose and mitigate the impacts of climate change and high-impact weather.  more[...]

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  • Growth: A Hard Habit to Break

    Prof. Dr. Felix Ekardt

    If we are to take the Paris Agreement on climate change seriously, growth-driven society is on the way out. But greed is part of the human condition, and no one knows what life without growth would be like.  more[...]

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    Prof. Dr.  Felix Ekardt
  • Der Klimawandel und seine Folgen

    Das MOOC ist in fünf Kapitel mit unterschiedlichen Themenschwerpunkten gegliedert. Jedes Kapitel informiert auf dem neuesten Stand der Klimawissenschaften und enthält mehrere Kurzvorträge von den jeweiligen Hauptreferenten und anderen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern. Zwischen den Vorträgen gibt es Arbeitsaufträge und parallel laufende Quizze (Denkspiele), die zum eigenständigen Weiterdenken anregen, außerdem praktische Beispiele und Vertiefungsmaterialien. In der „Herausforderung der Woche“ werden die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer von den Tutoren – Dr. Michael Lüken vom DKK und Tina Harms vom WWF – aufgefordert, das Gelernte direkt in der Praxis umzusetzen.  more[...]

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  • Resource Efficiency

    Resource efficiency means using the Earth's limited resources in a sustainable manner while minimising impacts on the environment. It allows us to create more with less and to deliver greater value with less input.  more[...]

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  • Ressourceneffizienz

    Wie sieht eine Zukunft aus, in der wir uns der Ressourcenknappheit stellen müssen? Welche Technologien werden uns dabei helfen, unseren täglichen Verbrauch von Rohstoffen zu senken? Und was tut die Politik in Deutschland dafür, Anreize für Ressourceneffizienz zu setzen?  more[...]

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  • FEDA’s Strategy Through Stakeholder Participation

    Jennifer Dobarro Boyer, FEDA

    There is a “crystal ceiling” for yearly energy consumption of 2,400 GWh, double the current consumption. In order to reach this quantity, new hydroelectric, solar, Aeolic, and gas generation projects will have to be put into practice.  more[...]

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  • The Author
  • A student's dream come true

    Zay Yar Tun
    Max Energy

    The ambition of a young girl named Ms. Thaw Thaw* was to attend a university in the city after finishing high school. As she had studied hard for the matriculation exam, she was accepted by Myanmar Maritime University in Yangon, a commercial city and the former capital of Myanmar. Her dream came true but the only difficulty was that her parents could not fully support her financially for her university education or afford the cost for her to live in the city. Thaw Thaw was from a middle-income family from a village called Phaung Gyee, which is situated far from the city.  more[...]

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  • The Author
  • Sakhalin Energy: A Complex Approach to Human Rights

    Valentin Zhovtun
    Sakhalin Energy

    Sakhalin Energy, the operator of the largest oil and gas project ever implemented in Russia, is committed to compliance with the highest international standards for respecting, supporting, and promoting human rights at all stages of its business activities.  more[...]

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  • Sustainably Addressing the Global Water Challenge

    Christian Frutiger, Nestlé SA
    Nestlé S.A.

    The growing world population is leading us into a global water crisis that will only be exacerbated by climate change. This is putting at risk everything we rely on, from electronic devices to the food we eat, because it all requires water.  more[...]

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  • Stimulating Sustainable Biofuels

    Nathalie Simmenauer, Air France
    Inka Pieter, KLM

    As an airline group with an extensive network, Air France - KLM connects people, economies, and cultures. It has the ambition to reduce its CO2 emissions by 20 percent through 2020 in comparison to 2011 (tons / km). To find alternatives to fossil oil, the group believes innovation and partnerships within its value chain will trigger new solutions. Using this approach, Air France and KLM are committed to developing a market for sustainable biofuels.  more[...]

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