• The Author
  • “The only kind of mission statements that truly support a company’s development are those that company employees embody”

    To move forward, every company needs a compass – one that does not just orient the company to profit targets, but also to morals. Without this, one faces the threat of incalculable reputation risk, as currently can be seen at Volkswagen. But how does one get mission statements and role models up and running in a company? To answer this question, we spoke with Kai M. Beckmann, who works on the challenges of corporate responsibility within economic, legal and social realms (Governance, Risk & Compliance) at Roever Broenner Susat Mazars.  more[...]

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  • Lieferkettenmanagement

    Mit der fortschreitenden Globalisierung und Spezialisierung hat sich der Trend zum Outsourcing in den letzten Jahrzehnten stetig verstärkt. Unternehmen, die ihre Produktion und Dienstleistungen auslagern, lagern auch ihre Reputationsrisiken und ihre gesellschaftliche Verantwortung aus. Die dementsprechende Bedeutung eines guten Lieferkettenmanagements ist Unternehmen wie auch Anlegern bewusst.  more[...]

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  • Compliance

    Korruption, Vetternwirtschaft, Nicht-Einhaltung von Regeln. Täglich berichten wir Medien über immer neue Fälle von Selbstbedienung und Kleptokratie. Die Welt agiert nachdem Motto „Jedem das seine, mir das Meiste.“ Liegt es also nicht eher in der Natur des Menschen, Regeln zu brechen und seinen eigenen Vorteil zu wahren? Helmut Schmidt, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker und andere sagen laut „Nein“ und fordern eindringlich in einem Manifest: „Wir haben es satt, in einer Raffgesellschaft zu leben, in der Korruption nicht mehr die Ausnahme ist und in der sich allzu vieles nur ums Geldverdienen dreht. Es gibt Wichtigeres im Leben des Einzelnen wie auch im Leben der Nation.“ Tatsächlich ist Regelkonformität, neudeutsch nennt sich das Compliance, möglich, sinnvoll und umsetzbar. In diesem Kapitel beleuchten wir Ansätze, diskutieren zentrale Aspekte wie Whistleblowing und Leitbilder und geben gute Praxisbeispiele.  more[...]

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  • Social Media for Social Change

    Lilines Urriola Herrera, medcom

    Sumándonos is a social platform initiated by Medcom, Panamá’s largest media conglomerate. It was created to benefit all NGOs in the country. Now it celebrates its 10th anniversary.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Steering BASF’s Portfolio toward Sustainability

    Dr. Dirk Voeste, BASF
    Dr. Andreas Kicherer, BASF
    Annette Höllebrand, BASF

    For 150 years, BASF has been creating chemistry to find new and better solutions for its customers. Following its company purpose – “We create chemistry for a sustainable future” – BASF is focusing on chemical innovations that help customers contribute to sustainability. To meet customer needs even better in the future and to secure long-term business success, BASF has set itself the target to further increase this share of sustainable solutions. BASF has analyzed and evaluated the sustainability aspects of its entire product portfolio and established a new process for steering its portfolio based on sustainability criteria. Already in 2014, 23 percent of global sales were generated by innovative products and solutions with a significant contribution toward sustainability in its application.  more[...]

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  • Shaping A Sustainable Global City

    Esther An
    City Developments Limited

    Singapore's property pioneer, City Developments Limited (CDL) has pushed boundaries with its visionary approach to “Conserve as we Construct” 20 years ago. It has quickly raised the bar for sustainable spaces with its many innovative eco-developments; while simultaneously integrating CSR into its business strategy and operations. One of the first signatories of the UNGC in Singapore, CDL has stood alongside international best practices in sustainable development.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Green Bonds – Deutsche Bank Supports Innovative Financing Solutions

    Stephan Möller
    Deutsche Bank AG

    Green bonds offer new ways of raising capital for companies that want to finance projects or activities that promote environmental sustainability. Deutsche Bank has been a key player in this market from the start by supporting companies interested in issuing green bonds and working with other leading financial institutions to create the Green Bond Principles, which aim to make the market more consistent and transparent.  more[...]

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  • Green Delta’s Strategic CSR Initiative for Human Rights and Road Safety

    Syed Najmus Saquib, Green Delta Insurance
    Green Delta Insurance Co. Ltd.

    Green Delta Insurance Company Limited has been practicing CSR effectively since the inception of the company. Over the years the organization has put more focus on strategic CSR and has been strictly and consistently following the Ten Principles established by the United Nations Global Compact. This year Green Delta launched a few innovative CSR projects aligning with human rights principles as well as some philanthropic issues.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Change Agents Bring Hope and Health to Rural India

    Camilla Crone Jensen, Novo Nordisk
    Scott Dille, Novo Nordisk
    Novo Nordisk

    Rural India faces an acute shortage of healthcare professionals. In an innovative initiative called “Addressing the Base of the Pyramid” (BoP), Novo Nordisk A/S teamed up with community partners to bring diabetes services closer to people in remote areas while supporting health activists’ microbusiness. This initiative is now integrated with the Changing Diabetes Barometer® program in Bihar, India, to increase the level of outreach.  more[...]

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  • Bringing Access to Development Through Clean Energy

    Laura Pargade
    Sunna Design

    Since its creation, Sunna Design has been committed to bringing sustainable energy to emerging countries. Solar streetlights are a wonderful tool to give people access to energy, anywhere, while also respecting the environment. Thanks to breakthrough innovation and a frugal approach, the French company has managed to keep costs down while bringing high-quality lighting to the most remote areas, without putting great social and economic burdens on the communities. Although public lighting was Sunna’s first step, with more than 5,000 products installed around the world, the company is aiming at empowering people with domestic access to energy though innovative partnerships between the public and private sectors.  more[...]

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  • Stimulating Sustainable Biofuels

    Nathalie Simmenauer, Air France
    Inka Pieter, KLM

    As an airline group with an extensive network, Air France - KLM connects people, economies, and cultures. It has the ambition to reduce its CO2 emissions by 20 percent through 2020 in comparison to 2011 (tons / km). To find alternatives to fossil oil, the group believes innovation and partnerships within its value chain will trigger new solutions. Using this approach, Air France and KLM are committed to developing a market for sustainable biofuels.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Social Compliance As an Essential Component of Integrated Reporting

    Kenan Tur, Business Keeper
    Business Keeper AG

    Corporate reporting is going through a fundamental change. It has been a common practice for responsible market participants to publish a sustainability report or corporate responsibility report in addition to the annual report in order to provide stakeholders with potentially relevant information. But trends from politics, economics, and society are currently leading to a changing in the reporting landscape.  more[...]

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  • Projects

    Dirk Grosche

    It is among the most important tasks of a company to create a work environment in which the employees are – and remain – healthy, and in which workplace-related illnesses and accidents are prevented to the extent possible. For the international construction group HOCHTIEF, the issue has top priority and is consistently pursued and managed under the joint responsibility of all parties concerned.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Breaking Barriers in Gender, Health, and the Environment Through Synergy

    Manila Doctors Hospital

    Manila Doctors Hospital (MDH) is the first and only private hospital in the Philippines to ever commit to and publicly declare a “social vision.” Since then, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become deeply embedded in the corporate culture of MDH. It is a conscious effort that we align our CSR programs with both the international and national commitments for human development. In combining applicability, sustainability, and replicability in CSR program implementation, MDH is now creating a path toward program sustainability, which thrives on synergy.  more[...]

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