Diese Checkliste konzentriert sich darauf, wie ein nachhaltiger Umgang mit Kunden und Verbrauchern errreicht wird. more[...]
Standards and audits are helpful instruments to bring sustainability forward and protect the environment as well as society. They function as regulations or as guidelines, as they define the minimum goals. Standards also create the ability to set benchmarks that measure the success of an organization’s sustainability approaches. Regarding the results, it is possible to generate and apply auditing systems. These are very helpful to compare organization processes, progress, and plans for a more sustainable future. more[...]
At the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, we are encouraging a more entrepreneurial culture. From the classroom to the boardroom, we are inspiring and enabling enterprise at every stage of the journey. more[...]
At the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, we are encouraging a more entrepreneurial culture. From the classroom to the boardroom, we are inspiring and enabling enterprise at every stage of the journey. more[...]
Leading electronics companies are making progress in eliminating conflict minerals from their supply chains, but still cannot label their products as being conflict free. Since Enough’s last corporate rankings report on conflict Minerals in December 2010, a majority of leading consumer electronics companies have moved ahead in addressing conflict minerals in their supply chains—spurred by the conflict minerals provision in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and growing consumer activism, particularly on college Campuses. Most firms have improved their scores from the 2010 rankings, but some laggards still remain.
Capturing the Gains research into the global production of mobile phones traces the connections between armed factions, poverty and violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and mobile phone users worldwide. The critical link is coltan, or columbite tantalite. It is the raw material for tantalum, an essential mineral in the manufacture of mobile phones, computers and other electronic equipment.
WindMade™, the first consumer label for wind energy, is moving the discussion from how much energy a product uses during its lifetime to the embodied energy of the product. Created to drive the global adoption of wind energy, WindMade™ is designed to inform consumers about the source of the energy used to make the products they buy and thus encourage corporations to source renewable energy to run their operations and production. Launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2011, WindMade™ is backed by the UN Global Compact, Vestas Wind Systems, WWF, Global Wind Energy Council, Bloomberg, the LEGO Group, and PwC.
The practice of eco-labelling may be on the brink of saturation point and is becoming as confusing for companies as it is for consumers, a major new study has warned. Joint research by IMD, the International Institute for Management Development, and EPFL, the Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne, suggests the process has become so fragmented that the current industry perception is dominated by wide-ranging reappraisal.
In the 33 years since the world’s first eco-label appeared (Germany’s Blue Angel), these labels have proliferated. The Ecolabel Index currently lists 377 schemes in 211 countries and 25 industry sectors. A number of trends indicate it is time to take a closer look: Civil society continues to pressure business to take responsibility for supply chain performance. more[...]
Sustainability Standards Systems – such as the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels, or Social Accountability International with its SA 8000 standard – represent the practical, hands-on dimension of the CSR landscape. With consensus-based voluntary standards defined through global multistakeholder processes, and with enterprise compliance assessed through independent third-party certification, these market-based tools provide clear pathways for producers to improve sustainability practices.
Today’s supply chains span the globe. While a century ago we might have known where, how, and who produced the things we consume, today we rely on what we are told. And how can we be sure that what we are told can be trusted?
Enter the eco-label: the independently verified, on-pack label that tells the consumer how a product was produced (think Fairtrade or organic) or how it might be consumed (think nutritional labels or Energy Star) in a more sustainable way. It is a powerful idea that combines sustainability standards-setting and branding, underpinned by the credibility of an independent body.
In 2010 Vestas decided to embark upon a challenging journey: to build a global partnership and create an organization that would produce the world’s first consumer label for wind energy. WindMade™ was created to drive the global adoption of wind energy by convincing the world’s largest consumer brands to put a renewable energy label on their products. This label would inform consumers about the source of energy used to make the product, thereby empowering them to consciously choose products originating from a clean source of energy.
The extra-financial ratings market has developed considerably over the past fifteen years. A growing number of agencies have cropped up, while others have disappeared. Which are these agencies? What methodology are they using? What services do they offer? What investment universe are they covering? Here are key questions the Novethic review of extra-financial rating agencies is answering.
Tropical shrimp were thrown out and eco-labeled fish and a select range of tuna were put in. Those were some of the actions of Swedish food retailer ICA toward achieving a more sustainable fish assortment in 2009. For a retail group with high goals for sustainability, education, transparent information, and clear policies are crucial.
Tropical shrimp were thrown out and eco-labeled fish and a select range of tuna were put in. Those were some of the actions of Swedish food retailer ICA toward achieving a more sustainable fish assortment in 2009. For a retail group with high goals for sustainability, education, transparent information, and clear policies are crucial. more[...]
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