Consultation does not happen spontaneously. But without it, we believe that it would no longer be possible to imagine the smallest project – even more so if it is an industrial project and a host region needs to be found. Rather, what is needed is the willingness to create – through consensus – the conditions under which a project can be sustainable, in accordance with a region’s own development aims. more[...]
To comply with global climate targets, we have to reduce our carbon footprint – no ifs, ands, or buts. Nevertheless, there are a lot of challenges we need to face first. more[...]
The year 2015 marked a turning point in the fight against climate change. The signing of the Paris Agreement during COP 21 in December marked an important step in the move toward limiting an increase in global temperatures. This agreement is not just a climate agreement; it is also a major health agreement. Indeed, as the World Health Organization (WHO) points out: “Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year, from malnutrition, malaria, and diarrhea to heat stress.” more[...]
The world is in a constant state of change. Effective climate protection requires both creativity and expert knowledge. With the aim of cutting fossil fuel consumption, MAN is developing new transportation and energy solutions that make our mobility even more efficient - and that take account of the entire product lifecycle. more[...]
mcs believes sustainable processes and production will soon be the industry standard, and we strive to be one of the first movers. For us, sustainability is the only way forward. We are using digitization to improve efficiency and save natural resources, while simultaneously increasing transparency and cost-savings for our clients. more[...]
At MTU Aero Engines, assuming responsibility – for products and services, employees, customers, partners, and not least for the environment – is a key priority. The biggest contribution of Germany’s leading engine manufacturer toward the protection of the environment comes from the eco-efficient products it makes using energy-efficient processes. “Product responsibility for us is the motivation that drives all of our business efforts,” emphasizes MTU Chief Executive Officer Reiner Winkler. “Eco-efficient and safe products are key to our long-term economic viability.” more[...]
PostNL installs 20,000 solar panels to significantly reduce carbon footprint. more[...]
With help from Norway Grants, ROMRADIATOARE has invested in modern and innovative technologies for improved environmental performance. more[...]
In recent years, the need for improved weather and climate data and information has become increasingly evident. As urbanization continues and society becomes increasingly reliant on infrastructure and technology, humankind is more and more vulnerable to the effects of climate change, extreme weather events, and other environmental hazards. The protection of life and property is highly dependent on the availability of accurate, precise data and information. For more than 80 years, Vaisala has addressed the need for quality environmental data and information through numerous scientific and technological advancements, enabling individuals and groups to better diagnose and mitigate the impacts of climate change and high-impact weather. more[...]
Das MOOC ist in fünf Kapitel mit unterschiedlichen Themenschwerpunkten gegliedert. Jedes Kapitel informiert auf dem neuesten Stand der Klimawissenschaften und enthält mehrere Kurzvorträge von den jeweiligen Hauptreferenten und anderen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern. Zwischen den Vorträgen gibt es Arbeitsaufträge und parallel laufende Quizze (Denkspiele), die zum eigenständigen Weiterdenken anregen, außerdem praktische Beispiele und Vertiefungsmaterialien. In der „Herausforderung der Woche“ werden die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer von den Tutoren – Dr. Michael Lüken vom DKK und Tina Harms vom WWF – aufgefordert, das Gelernte direkt in der Praxis umzusetzen. more[...]
There is a “crystal ceiling” for yearly energy consumption of 2,400 GWh, double the current consumption. In order to reach this quantity, new hydroelectric, solar, Aeolic, and gas generation projects will have to be put into practice. more[...]
As an airline group with an extensive network, Air France - KLM connects people, economies, and cultures. It has the ambition to reduce its CO2 emissions by 20 percent through 2020 in comparison to 2011 (tons / km). To find alternatives to fossil oil, the group believes innovation and partnerships within its value chain will trigger new solutions. Using this approach, Air France and KLM are committed to developing a market for sustainable biofuels. more[...]
“Without my (ecological) activities, I wouldn’t be a fulfilled person. Only two per cent of philanthropy goes toward protecting our environment and that’s pretty outrageous, considering it is our life support system.” more[...]
For many years Africa is the hotspot for hunger and conflicts. But besite all these troubles ether is also a change for change and hope arising. More countries become aware of the ptential CSR has and include corporate responsibility as a fundanetla brickstone for developing citizenship. Our special illustrates variuos aspects. more[...]
In view of increasingly scarce resources, rising fuel prices, and the growth in air traffic – which continues unabated at an average rate of 5 percent per year – passengers, people living in the vicinity of airports, authorities, organizations, and other players in the aviation industry are calling for more fuel-thrifty and cleaner aircraft and engines. MTU Aero Engines has been working on innovative technologies for decades to further improve the environmental compatibility of future engines. more[...]
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