Number of results: 174
The Communication on Progress (COP) policy is the central component of the UN Global Compact’s integrity measures. The policy establishes a mandatory reporting requirement for businesses to report annually on their progress in implementing the Ten Principles of the UNGC
The Communication on Progress (COP) policy is the central component of the UN Global Compact’s integrity measures. The policy establishes a mandatory reporting requirement for businesses to report annually on their progress in implementing the Ten Principles of the UNGC.
When joining the Global Compact, companies make a commitment to issue an annual Communication on Progress (COP), a public disclosure to stakeholders (e.g., investors, consumers, civil society and Governments) on progress made in implementing the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, and in supporting broad UN development goals.
Kostenfreies Webinar zu Erstellung und Hochladen des Fortschrittsberichts (COP - Communication on Progress)
Sustainability is an increasingly vital subject for all kinds of designers. Whether you are involved in industrial design, graphic design or architecture, Design for Sustainable Change clearly explains the key theories and debates surrounding sustainability to allow you to adapt and integrate them into your own working practices.
How do companies handle CSR reporting? What is new and innovative? And most important: where do experts see the market going? Susan McPherson from Fenton talks with Allyson Park, VP Worldwide Public Affairs & Communications, Coca-Cola, Ephi Banaynal, Global Director, Sustainability Management & Strategy, SAP, Kierstin Regelin, Global Social Innovation, HP and Emily Cichy, Manager, Corporate Citizenship, Disney.
Global interconnectivity lets consumer markets constantly grow together. Modern communication technologies accelerate this phenomenon: The brand image as well as the self-perception of any company lies in the hands of millions of people using social media or their buying power.
team in their company, which included freely elected worker representatives, whose purpose was to improve worker communication and labor standards in the company. The day before one of the national strikes, the worker representatives went to
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