Number of results: 9

  • CSR - Whistleblowing systems as a practical foundation of democratization

    Current protest movements illustrate that citizens regard corruption as a great obstacle to democratization. Because of this corruption prevention plays an important role in companies and government agencies, as required by Principle 10 of the United Nations Global Compact. Therefor Whistleblowing systems can be an effective part of a stratagy for corruption prevention.

  • Global Compact International Yearbook - Whistleblowing Systems as a Practical Foundation of Democratization - Business Keeper

    a draft law pertaining to the protection of witnesses, victims, and whistleblowers. Other basic measures for the democratization of the country were announced. The vehement demands in global society demonstrate the willingness of the populations

  • Projects

    , Ship , Recycling , Environment , Health , Labour Standards Whistleblowing systems as a practical foundation of democratization Worldwide Business Keeper AG Corruption Prevention , Democratization , Whistleblowing , Business Keeper , Anti

  • Reporting

    Ethics , Climate Change , Environment , ESG Performance , Reporting Whistleblowing systems as a practical foundation of democratization Worldwide Business Keeper AG Corruption Prevention , Democratization , Whistleblowing , Business Keeper , Anti

  • Integrated Reporting

    Ethics , Climate Change , Environment , ESG Performance , Reporting Whistleblowing systems as a practical foundation of democratization Worldwide Business Keeper AG Corruption Prevention , Democratization , Whistleblowing , Business Keeper , Anti

  • Projects

    the full list: Selected Projects Anti Corruption Project Archive Whistleblowing systems as a practical foundation of democratization By Editorial Team Current protest movements illustrate that citizens regard corruption as a great obstacle to

  • Africa’s Natural Assets: The Struggle for Sustainability

    has been driven by a range of factors, including a reduction in regional conflicts, greater political stability and democratization, and new technologies such as mobile communications, which have transformative implications for rural African societies.

  • On the Role of Human Development in the Arab Spring

    2005). Statistical power has been weak, particularly when health is used to predict revolution rather than gradual democratization (Goldstone et al. 2010). Problems of causality and unobserved heterogeneity persist (Castello-Climent 2008; Acemoglu and

  • CSR in South Africa

    in 1994, did South African companies implement CSR programs voluntarily or did they rather feel the pressure of democratization and the need to comply with international labor standards? After 1994, many companies were keen to build their





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