Number of results: 92
Together for a Sustainable Future By Teresa Fogelberg (Global Reporting Initiative) 11:08 AM, May 09, 2012 Related tags GRI , UNGC , Compliance & Disclosure , Reporting Advanced Search">more The trend toward transparency on corporate
itself. At this point, I would go as far as to say that launching G4 (as presented in the Exposure Draft) for the GRI would be akin to reporting suicide . I tend to agree with Ben Tuxworth of SalterBaxter in his article on the Guardian
run-up to G4 (to be launched in May at the GRI conference ), I decided to examine some recent reports (at random, but GRI-based and broadly same sector) to see if they would be good-to-go if the Exposure Draft is approved as published
, Education , Reporting Advanced Search">more G4 Forefront is a continuous learning program designed exclusively for GRI GOLD Community members to assist you in the application of the G4 Guidelines. The program is designed around a yearly
is the key platform for communicating sustainability performance and impacts – whether positive or negative." Source: GRI Major aspects you are learning about in this module are: legal aspects and mandatory requirements concerning reporting
benefit Integration of the local populace into the decision process of the company Safety training for the locals Grievance management, thus helping to focus occuring problems and take actions. Anti-Corruption - Business & Peace -
& Toubro, Maersk Line, Symantec and Tieto Corporation) Becker Underwood Sustainability Report 2011 First report, GRI Application Level C, 81 pages Becker Underwood Sustainability Report 2011 Becker Underwood is a privately-held
Rainer Knirsch (Deutsche Telekom), Deutsche Telekom AG 11:59 AM, July 16, 2013 Related tags Deutsche Telekom , Smart Grid , Environment , Resources Efficiency , R&D Advanced Search">more Innovations are the key to ensuring the future of
if I didnapt read each one with total meticulousness). All but one of these reports are written in accordance with the GRI Framework, with five at Level A or A+. Before I go on, I will subtly remind you to VOTE . The voting closes in a less
Sustainability in a Poster 15.04.2013 Having spent a lot of time on this blog talking about the new generation of the GRI Guidelines and the G4 Exposure Draft , and speculating about what it will look like when it is actually launched, it is
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