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This paper provides an overview of current government schemes promoting corporate reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and analyses their main building blocks.
At a time when the UK Government is pursuing export led growth, particularly in non-European markets which can present high risks regarding human rights and the environment, the operation of UK Export Finance is both crucial and risky.
Governments across the Americas are putting profit before the physical and cultural survival of thousands of Indigenous peoples, said Amnesty International in a briefing paper published ahead of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples on 9 August.
Reports on trends and policy options regarding the role of Governments in promoting corporate sustainability and engaging the private sector in achieving the MDGs. (UNGCbaBertelsmann Foundation, 2010)
Chemicals Branch, 2013 Print Email PDF About the Study Table of Content Research Team This report speaks directly to governments involved in the development of the global treaty on mercury. It presents updates from the UNEP Global Mercury
as the Clean Water Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The variety of federal agencies and levels of government that participate in creating and implementing regulation contribute to the fragmentation of American environmental law.
(Reich 1995; McNicoll 2006; Glassman 2007). These motives were certainly present in Egypt, where the unelected government of President Hosni Mubarak and opposition groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood used health and welfare programs to
Advanced Search">more Corporate social responsibility is now finding its way into the Myanmar business community, government sector, and the media. Three years ago, CSR was a little-known term, but it has become popular not only among
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