Number of results: 9
Media , Corporate Volunteering , Development Advanced Search">more Sumándonos is a social platform initiated by Medcom, Panamá’s largest media conglomerate. It was created to benefit all NGOs in the country. Now it celebrates its 10th
which are still socially vulnerable places. In 2009 the “UNICEF Cup” had around 3,000 participants. In 2010 Medcom engaged with UNICEF to create a bigger inter-neighborhood league, expanding it to other provinces, changing its name to
In the past year, Panama has made some important and positive headlines worldwide. The country was awarded an investment grade credit rating by both of the globally renown ratings agencies, Fitch Ratings and Standard and Poor’s. Also, the New York Times named Panama as the number one travel destination in 2012. The country also had economic growth of 8 percent from 2006 to 2010, and in 2011 the country’s economy grew 10.6 percent, making it one of the fastest-growing economies in Latin America.
Do Better Worldwide ManpowerGroup ManpowerGroup , Gender & Diversity , Work Life Balance Mundial del Barrio Panama medcom Medcom , Children Rights , Human Rights Top-flight Compensation Projects: The Climate, People, and Animals All Benefit
to climate change. more[...] The Author Best Practices Title Region Initiator Related tags Mundial del Barrio Panama medcom Medcom Personal and Professional Development of Women in Agribusiness Peru Camposol Empowering Women Piecitos Colorados
Teck Merck (US) Nexen South America Copeinca Camposol Bradesco Petrobras Furnas Amazon Carribean Argos Banco Leo2n ISA Medcom Mutualista Pichincha Europe Ricoh Coca-Cola Deutschland Thales MTU Aero Engines Camfil Audi Weidmüller Saga Furs
Amazon Carribean Guayana Banco Bradesco Banco Leon Camposol Copeinca Copagaz Cementos Argos Electrobras ISA MedCom Panama Petrobras European Participants Acciona Adecco Air France/KLM Amec AMPEG Arcandor Armacell Autostrade per
Mueller and Prof. Dr. Guenter Mueller-Stewens Best Practice Adecco Group Banco Leo2n EDF Group Groupe SEB Interamerican Medcom Mitsui Novo Nordisk Sakhalin Energy SK Telecom Teck Tristar Bosch ManpowerGroup Air France-KLM BASF Bayer BSH Bosch und
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