Number of results: 99
The UN Global Compact unveiled a set of six principles that food and agriculture businesses worldwide can adopt to meet food security challenges more effectively and sustainably.
This white paper explores managing biofuels portfolio risk – the stakeholder’s targeted value approach and the financial and risk analysis roles. The Department of Navy (DON), Department of Energy, and United States Department of Agriculture are together pursuing an ambitious program to support military requirements for viable and cost effective biofuels and to accelerate the growth of a national biofuels industry to address strategic energy security concerns. Source: All information taken from the website.
Now in its fourth year, the survey provides insight into the individuals employed in this expanding marketplace, from the types of organisations they work for, to their job functions, salaries and career backgrounds. The results indicate a positive outlook for the sector in regard to salary, job security and job satisfaction. On average, those working in the Europe (excluding the UK) earn £69,000 followed by £68,010 for North America and £56,360 in the UK.
Amol Mehra is an international human rights lawyer focusing on corporate accountability for human rights violations and corporate social responsibility. He has developed an extensive background on business and human rights issues, including at the United Nations where he has worked to build accountability over private security companies and offered submissions to the mandate of the Special Representative on Transnational Corporations. Amol received his Juris Doctorate Degree with an Honors Certificate in International and Comparative Law from the University of San Francisco School of Law, and also holds a Bachelor of Commerce with a concentration in Global Strategic Management and the Social Context of Business from McGill University. In addition to his work at ICAR, Amol is a Board Member of Human Rights Advocates, a Coordinating Member and Thematic Specialist for Amnesty International USA, and writes for CSR site. Amol also serves as an Advisory Board Member of Lawyers for Better Business (L4BB) and an Advisory Member for SumOfUs.
Amy Lehr is part of Foley Hoag’s unique corporate social responsibility (CSR) practice. In this role, she provides advice to major multinational corporations on best practices with regard to human rights, labor rights, and indigenous rights issues, as well as on stakeholder relations with local communities, host governments, security providers, and non-governmental organizations. Working with clients in a broad range of industry sectors, she provides advice on managing both the challenges and the opportunities of globalization, as well as on risk management issues, particularly those deriving from the Alien Tort Statute in the US. She also carries out human rights impact assessments and other forms of due diligence for clients.
feasible but also inevitable. This would enable China to better cope with the increasing pressure to finance social security provisions. A skilled workforce is key Ageing also has, and will continue to have, an important impact on the labour
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter, warned of the threat of ‘ocean-grabbing’ to food security, and urged world governments and international bodies to halt the depletion of fish stocks, and take urgent steps to protect, sustain, and share the benefits of fisheries and marine environments.
Minimizing environmental impacts and preserving biodiversity have been areas of concern for REN for a long time now. This is why REN tries to manage its activities in accordance with, among other things, the Ten Principles of the Global Compact. REN is responsible for the management of Portugal’s electricity system, including the quality and security of supply, which are essential to Portugal’s economic and social development. During the infrastructure planning phase, REN’s concern for finding solutions that would minimize environmental impacts is very clear, especially when developing new grid and network infrastructures.
Hundreds of millions of smallholders are struggling to survive from subsistence farming in developing countries across South America, Asia, and Africa. Given the lack of water infrastructure throughout these and other areas, there is a critical need to make the most of the limited available water sources in such regions. In response, OECD countries, international donors, and NGOs have been promoting technologies such as drip irrigation, which optimizes resources, enhances global food security, and promotes sustainable productivity.
incorporating the politics of youth employment to social dialogue.” Dr. Carlos Tomada, Minister of Labour and Social Security, Argentina Age-diverse workforce in France The employment rate of mature workers in France remained below the European
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