The UN Global Compact in Africa

Selected activities in 2012

By Editorial Team
10:52 AM, January 23, 2014

South Africa (Anti-Corruption)

The South Africa Network partnered with the National Business Initiative to host a roundtable discussion on anti-corruption collective action measures in the construction sector. Over the course of the discussion, companies learned about current initiatives, explored additional collective measures to address corruption in their sector, and shared best practices from other countries and sectors that could be applied to the construction industry in South Africa. Presentations provided guidance to companies in determining what measures were most suitable for their context, and provided updates on government initiatives and regulations. Participating companies agreed that corruption has become a major issue in South Africa and that business should set positive examples in order to influence change. Participants agreed to several next steps, including pursuing partnerships with existing initiatives, expanding representation of companies in the sector, and continuing conversations and meetings on the issue moving forward.

Uganda (Environment)

The Turkey and Uganda Local Networks partnered with European government representatives and donor agencies to host a session on biodiversity and ecosystem services. The session was an example of South-South cooperation, whereby participants engaged in discussions on how businesses are mitigating and offsetting their biodiversity impacts. Models of innovative public-private partnerships were shared as well as ways in which these can contribute to conservation efforts and thrive in competitive markets.

Ghana (Environment)

The Global Compact Network Ghana teamed up with the Ghana Chamber of Mines to organize a two-day residential training seminar under the theme of “Environmental and Social Responsibility: Key to Sustainable Mining.” The seminar covered corporate sustainability guidelines for mining companies in regards to the utilization of mineral royalties and water quality management, as well as proper procedures for mine closures and new regulations that are set to impact companies in this sector. The event successfully created a space for mining companies to discuss issues and ideas with one another and move forward on the environmental agenda.

Nigeria (Anti-Corruption)

As part of its contribution to the Siemens Integrity Initiative, the Nigeria Network hosted a collective action workshop with a focus on “Openness and Transparency: A Stakeholder Commitment against Corruption.” A wide range of participants attended the two-day meeting, including top business executives, government agencies, civil society, and media. The workshop was an opportunity to promote dialogue among the various stakeholders using breakout sessions and small group discussions along thematic areas of interest. Nearly 130 people were in attendance, signaling a strong commitment to anti-corruption measures and an interest in sharing and following the strong examples of good corporate business practice.

Kenya (Human Rights)

The Global Compact Network Kenya organized a half-day roundtable event to discuss emerging issues on human rights. The event was hosted by a participant of the Local Network and provided a space for companies to engage, discuss, and increase their knowledge on the intersection of human rights and business within the Kenyan context. The event successfully brought together participants and introduced them to the Global Compact Human Rights Self Assessment Tool as well as international trends on managing human rights risks. A presentation on the implications of the Kenyan Constitution’s Bill of Rights on companies was also introduced. The host company also shared its experiences regarding these themes, including a best practice case study that other companies could learn from and apply to their own systems and processes.

Country No. of Participants
Cameroon 26
Ivory Coast 19
Ghana 64
Kenya 80
Madagascar 8
Malawi 3
Mozambique 12
Nigeria 106
Senegal 12
South Africa 63
Uganda 23
Zambia 7
Zimbabwe 2

Source: United Nations Global Compact Local Network Report 2012

About the Author
Team, Editorial
The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect CSR Manager's editorial policy.
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