Human rights have traditionally been the concern of states, and international human rights law has generally been addressed to them only. As more companies come to realize their legal, moral, and/or commercial need to address human rights issues within their own operations and activities, they are confronted with a number of challenges. Businesses will have to come to grips with the human rights framework and assess how their activities may relate to it. Moreover, companies are often uncertain how to avoid complicity in human rights abuses and where, in practical terms, the boundaries of their human rights responsibility lie.
Human Rights
The first dimension involves the Political and Civil Rights. In addition, a number of cross-cutting issues are explained. For example: the history of Human Rights, the role of non-governmental organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, or the problems of the Human Rights system.
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This is the second part of the series “Focus Human Rights”. It deals with the second dimension of the Human Rights System: The Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Additionally, it explains women’s rights and shows how NGOs in the Human Rights sector work.
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This video is about Collective Rights, the justiciability of Human Rights as well as about how the Human Rights System evolves and what opportunities for improvement do exist.
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Diese Checkliste konzentriert sich darauf, wie Menschenrechte im betrieblichen Umfeld gewahrt werden können. more[...]
Many communities have mobilized in opposition to prevailing mining models in Argentina this year. The use of road blocks to obstruct exportation of goods has been one popular tactic. However, these demonstrations have often been suppressed by police force. On several occasions the residents and activists have been beaten, abused and detained by the police with the approval (tacit or not) of provincial and national authorities. The development of these mining projects has already interfered with people's fundamental right to water and their constitutional right to a healthy environment. There are growing concerns that individual political freedoms are also in danger.
Efforts to establish an agenda of corporate responsibilities with human rights in Latin America have led to modest, if not aspirational, results. However, recent developments suggest that this agenda is gradually gaining ground, as seen through its appropriation by states, companies, and civil society advocacy groups as an interpretative framework for their actions. The emerging dynamics of collaboration and conflict between such actors – within and across national borders – contribute toward defining the broad substance and scope of this emerging agenda.
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