Philanthropy As an Integral Part of CSR

By Jeffrey Revels (TMS Group), TMS Group
11:39 AM, July 19, 2013

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an entity encompasses many different components across a myriad of industries in both the public and private sectors. One of the most demonstrative aspects of CSR involves philanthropy, which not only includes a commitment to giving of monetary support, but a personal involvement in volunteerism, too. These much- cherished values represent the cornerstone of for our year in 2012 and future CSR endeavors.

The key concerning for CSR –, for as business and community partners –, is to means we must adopt the approach of takeing the initiative to consistently identify and seize opportunities to elevate the well-being of humanity. It further implies that our policies and practices must be are ethical and transparent at all levels of operations. Essentially, that Aas an enterprise, we must be are accountable in our daily work as well as, to our customers, employees, and the communities we operate within. Hence, the we have an obligation to pass on these philosophies and actions to our supply base is as a fundamental and ethical business requirement.

The TMS Group strategy for social compliance and CSR is a holistic approach that, utilizesing the combined framework and participation membership within the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) to create partnerships aligned with clear and measurable global standards that are addressed in a proactive way with suppliers. This progressive strategy towards implementing ethical corporate business processes is part of an overall CSR philosophy that embodies philanthropy as a key element.

Philanthropy and CSR are indeed mutually inclusive. Philanthropy for the TMS Group embodies the following three key traits:

(A) Protection: First and foremost upholding human rights and the respect of dignity for all.
(B) Community Service: Strengthen and build the with our suppliers their community ties and social involvement of our suppliers.
(C) Inspiring: Developing new and existing methods to advance underprivileged people’s socio-economic status with an emphasis on access to education and healthcare.


Key Facts

InitiatorTMS Group
Project start
Haiti, India, Indonesia
Contact person
Jeffrey Revels

Main Issue

Anti-Corruption -
Business & Peace -
Development x
Environment -
Financial Markets -
Implementing UNGC Principles in your Corporate CSR Management -
Human Rights x
Labour Standards -
Local Networks -

Project Type

Advocacy of global issues x
Business opportunities in low income communities/countries -
Project funding x
Provision of goods -
Provision of services/personal -
Standards and guidelines development -


  • various local partners

Solely addressing operational CSR issues within the confines of global supply chains does not complete a true CSR profile. A significant degree ingredient of social responsibility and compliance is inherently manifested within the concept of corporate philanthropy. “Giving back” to the communities in which our global operations reside –, and to those in need –, also represents the “true heart and commitment” of the corporate citizen.

Consistent with the core values of corporate citizenship, the TMS Group conceives, promotes, and sponsors internationally- based philanthropic endeavors:

Haiti: “I am Haiti” Project

The Franca Art and Fashion charity was founded by TMS Group CEO, Frank Fleischer, and his wife, Caroline. This charitable organization has a mission to promote the global- wide education, health, and welfare of disadvantaged children.

In 2012, the charity was a key contributor and sponsor of the “I am Haiti” pProject.”. This project utilizes art created by children, who are victims of long- standing poverty and were devastated by the the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake that which struck Haiti in the year 2010.

The children’s artwork, which was exhibited in several charitable art shows, was then transformed into an artistic fashion line of cashmere scarves. This process not only generated awareness about for the plight of the Haitian people, it ultimately gave the children a voice and a creative outlet for their messages of survival, hope, and determination for a better future.

The TMS Group collaborated closely with the charity regarding the production, sales, and distribution processes. One hundred percent 100 % of the net proceeds generated by Franca Art and Fashion go to building a sustainable community and a brighter future for the children of the Maranatha School and Orphanage, which is located in the capital city of Port Au Prince.

Through dedication and tireless commitment, the school’s staff cares for 160 children in a region whereby poverty remains pervasive. Haiti as a nation remains 145th of 169 countries Iin the United Nations Human Development Index, Haiti as a nation ranks 145th of 169 countries, which is the lowest ranking in the Western hHemisphere.

TMS activities in Indonesia

Indonesia: Child day care for employees

Child day care has been a long standing benefit provided by the TMS Group. A number of social studies have clearly demonstrated that without adequate child care options, many working mothers in developing countries are forced to either eliminate their income- earning activities or make child care arrangements that which are unsatisfactory to them in terms of their children’'s nutritional status, health, and early childhood development. If women are forced to forgo income-caring opportunities, this is ultimately linked to reduced educational and social development for families.

The Indonesia office, which is the largest operational centers of the Group, provides a free child day care facility for all employees. This facility is located within walking distance to the TMS office complex, and is funded 100% percent funded by the company.

The company- sponsored kindergarten and child care program has open- enrollment access for to the families of nearly 300 employees. The expanded day care offers programs for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners.

Peace of mind is created since parents know that their children are being cared for by employees of the same company that they work for. Having their children at a daycare center near the office allows parents opportunities to interact with their children when their work schedules permit. Furthermore, this arrangement assists families with any separation anxieties that the parent and child may be experiencing. Additionally, daycare also allow parents to give extra attention to a child during times of growth that are challenging for children, or when they are recovering from an illness or injury.

Moreover, daychild care allows the Group’s working parents to contribute fully and develop personally and professionally in their chosen careers.

TMS activities in India

India: School rebuilding and sponsorship

The TMS Group has been is a long- term sponsor and , along with being the primary contributor to the rebuilding of the Sacred Heart Primary and High School located in the Paramankeni Kanchipuram coastal district of the Chennai region of India.

The sponsorship dates back to the devastating tsunami that which struck throughout Southeast Asia nearly a decade ago. The Sacred Heart School and surrounding community were decimated.

Through collaborative efforts with the TMS Group for fund raising and volunteerism, the school was rebuilt and has grown into a thriving institution.

The school is divided into primary and secondary levels. Nearly 40 % percent of the enrollment is at within the primary level, with student ages ranging from 6 to- 11 years old. Sixty 60% percent are enrolled in the combined secondary/high school levels for students aged 12– - 17 years old. For the year 2014 Aan intermediate level/wing is being planned for ages 12– -14 in 2014.

Annually, the school’s student registration continues to grow through word of mouth within the adjacent communities. At the end of calendar year 2012, the student population was 424 children. Based on the current growth rate, the school is expected to double with in the next three3 to five5 years. Families continue to relocate to the coastal fishing region in order for their children to enroll in the school’s well- structured curriculum.

The basic education provisions throughout India are free. However, critical requirements must be provided by families such as: school uniforms, course materials, note books, and meals. The costs for these essentials often times will limit a family’sies’ ability to educate one or all of their children.

Direct financial support, school uniforms, and computer equipment are all part of the continual provisions provided by from the TMS Group for the Sacred Heart School.

The positive outcomes here translate into increasing numbers of children in this community who now have access to free education. Upon completion of high school, greater opportunities are opening for matriculation to universities or trade and vocational training schools. Furthermore, those children whom take advantage of the newly created pathway out of poverty are becoming positive family and community role -models.

Year 2012 synopsis

The TMS Group has a long history of philanthropy and itthis will continue to be a significant hallmark of the TMS Group’s corporate citizenship and CSR philosophies. This includes not only offering giving of financial support coupled with compassion, but emphasizing the creation of opportunities for socioal-economic mobility through individual and corporate deeds.

All of these efforts are done with the expressed understanding that education –, combined with social development –, offers the best hope., It is and are the key to breaking the vicious cycle of poverty that pervades developing nations and disadvantaged families.

This project description was originally presented in the Global Compact International Yearbook 2013.

About the Authors
Revels, Jeffrey

Mr Revels is the Global Compliance Manager for the TMS Group, and has been based in Indonesia for more than 10 years.

TMS Group

TMS is a chinese fashion producer and reteiler. They run stores and factories in China, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Cambodia.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect CSR Manager's editorial policy.
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