• A Nationwide charging network for electric vehicles in Denmark

    Anders Lyngtorp, Dong Energy
    Ørsted A/S

    Our modern lifestyles offer a wealth of exciting possibilities, but also go hand in hand with high energy consumption. Because of the carbon footprint that our energy consumption leaves behind, there is no longer any reason to doubt that our lifestyles affect the climate. Each and every one of us, including DONG Energy, is responsible for minimizing our energy consumption and maximizing our consideration for the environment. As an energy company, we have a special responsibility for producing energy in as environmentally friendly a manner as possible.  more[...]  login_required

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  • A Nationwide charging network for electric vehicles in Denmark

    Anders Lyngtorp, Dong Energy
    Ørsted A/S

    Our modern lifestyles offer a wealth of exciting possibilities, but also go hand in hand with high energy consumption. Because of the carbon footprint that our energy consumption leaves behind, there is no longer any reason to doubt that our lifestyles affect the climate. Each and every one of us, including DONG Energy, is responsible for minimizing our energy consumption and maximizing our consideration for the environment. As an energy company, we have a special responsibility for producing energy in as environmentally friendly a manner as possible.  more[...]

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  • The Green Imperative

    Steffen Frankenberg, Deutsche Post DHL
    Deutsche Post DHL

    Deutsche Post DHL became a signatory to the UN Global Compact in June 2006. At that time, we sought to align our internal environmental commitment and approach with key external international standards. Accepting our environmental responsibility continues to be a challenge and opportunity for us as we seek ways to adapt our business processes and culture to addressing the environmental challenges we face today. Our environmental strategy has three pillars: tackling climate change, improving our overall environmental performance, and minimizing our use of natural resources.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Improving the Working Environment

    Gerhard Teschl, Danfoss

    In August 2006, Danfoss acquired the factory of Chinese company Qinbao, a manufacturer of brazed plate heat exchangers that is located in Hangzhou, approximately 150 km southwest of Shanghai.  more[...]  login_required

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  • “1+3”: Building a responsible value chain

    Lucy Li Jin Xiu, BASF

    In China, there are over 32,000 chemical enterprises and many more if we consider the entire supply chain. Over 90% of the related companies are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which contribute strongly to the overall economic activities of the country but often find it hard to mobilise enough resources to effectively practise sustainable development. Thus, BASF in 2006 initiated a program called “1+3”, which mobilises and supports its partners and suppliers in China to improve their corporate social responsibility (CSR).  more[...]

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  • The Author
  • Lowering CO2 emissions in group-wide effort

    Coca Cola Hellenic

    Coca-Cola Hellenic, the largest independent bottler of Coca-Cola products in Europe, is constructing 15 Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units in 12 countries as part of a group-wide plan to significantly reduce CO2 emissions in its operations.  more[...]  login_required

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  • Fostering CSR – Contract Seating Manufacturer Kusch+Co

    Ferdinand Filusch, Kusch & Co

    This Sauerland-based family business offers convincing proof that traditional values can harmoniously coexist with a modern commitment to mankind and to nature. Corporate social responsibility is an intrinsic pillar of Kusch+Co’s corporate strategy.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Ferdinand Filusch, Kusch & Co 




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