• Diets must become sustainable say FAO

    Food and Agriculture Organization

    Immediate action to promote sustainable diets and food biodiversity so as to improve the health of humans and of the planet is urged in a book just published by FAO and Bioversity International.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
  • Food Price Volatility a Growing Concern

    Given the exceptional drought in the US, current crop conditions in other grain producing regions, and the resulting increase in international food prices, the World Bank expressed concern for the impacts of this volatility on the world's poor, who are highly vulnerable to increases in food prices.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
  • CleanStar Mozambique: Food, Fuel and Forests at the Bottom of the Pyramid

    Marc Gunther, FORTUNE magazine

    What on earth is Novozymes, a $1.8-billion industrial biotechnology company headquartered in Denmark, doing in Mozambique, a poor African country (per capita income: $440) where corruption is rampant and more than half of the government’s budget comes from foreign aid?  more[...]

    The Author
    Marc Gunther, FORTUNE magazine 
  • Matheron, Gérard

    Editorial Team

    Short Profile of Gérard Matheron  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Editorial Team
  • Guillou, Marion

    Editorial Team

    Short Profile, Marion Guillou, INRA  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Editorial Team
  • Partnerships for More High-Quality Food

    Editorial Team

    Safeguarding food supplies for a constantly growing world population will be among the most pressing problems of the future. Bayer is providing an innovative solution with the program “food chain partnership.” This business model supports the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of fighting poverty and hunger throughout the world and contributes to sustainable development.  more[...]

    The Author
    Editorial Team
  • Partnerships for More High-Quality Food

    Dr. Wolfgang Große-Entrup, Bayer Group

    Safeguarding food supplies for a constantly growing world population will be among the most pressing problems of the future. Bayer is providing an innovative solution with the program “food chain partnership.” This business model supports the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of fighting poverty and hunger throughout the world and contributes to sustainable development.  more[...]

    The Author
    Dr. Wolfgang Große-Entrup, Bayer Group 
  • Silvopastoral Dairy Farming in Southern Colombia

    Editorial Team

    Nestlé believes that for a business to be successful in the long term, it must create value not only for its shareholders but also for society, including farmers who play a vital role in local communities across the world. Nestlé calls this Creating Shared Value and focuses efforts in three key areas: nutrition, water, and rural development.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Editorial Team
  • Silvopastoral Dairy Farming in Southern Colombia

    Daniel Suarez, Nestle

    Nestlé believes that for a business to be successful in the long term, it must create value not only for its shareholders but also for society, including farmers who play a vital role in local communities across the world. Nestlé calls this Creating Shared Value and focuses efforts in three key areas: nutrition, water, and rural development.  more[...]

    The Author
    Daniel Suarez, Nestle 
  • Taking Action for Sustainable Fishing

    Editorial Team

    Tropical shrimp were thrown out and eco-labeled fish and a select range of tuna were put in. Those were some of the actions of Swedish food retailer ICA toward achieving a more sustainable fish assortment in 2009. For a retail group with high goals for sustainability, education, transparent information, and clear policies are crucial.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Editorial Team
  • Taking Action for Sustainable Fishing

    Magdalena Sekkens, ICA

    Tropical shrimp were thrown out and eco-labeled fish and a select range of tuna were put in. Those were some of the actions of Swedish food retailer ICA toward achieving a more sustainable fish assortment in 2009. For a retail group with high goals for sustainability, education, transparent information, and clear policies are crucial.  more[...]

    The Author
    Magdalena Sekkens, ICA 
  • Good Agricultural Social Practice for Fruit and Vegetable Farming

    Emma Arvidsson, Coop

    Corporate social responsibility has become an emerging issue in global food supply chains. Partners involved in the food sector are challenged to find innovative and meaningful approaches to ensure that their agricultural products are produced in line with internationally agreed labor requirements such as the UN Global Compact Principles.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Emma Arvidsson, Coop 
  • Changing Diabetes

    Craig Ludwig, Novo Nordisk
    Novo Nordisk

    Changing diabetes is a global programme aimed to improve prevention, detection and treatment of diabetes. It is our brand promise, and the way we support the implementation of the UN Declaration on Diabetes, urging that people with diabetes have a right to proper treatment. The actions are national and global programmes to provide treatment offerings, help build a healthcare infrastructure, create awareness and educate patients and their families. Special attention is given to underserved groups: Migrants in developed countries, people in the world’s poorest countries, people at the bottom of the pyramid in emerging economies, women and children.  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
  • A Strategic Alliance to Stop Malnutrition

    Editorial Team

    The Strategic Alliance SAFO (Strategic Alliance for Fortification of Oil) between BASF and GTZ supports local producers in the fortification of staple foods with essential nutrients, in particular Vitamin A. Besides technical training, a mobile testing kit was developed to assist quality control and monitoring  more[...]  login_required

    The Author
    Editorial Team
  • A Strategic Alliance to Stop Malnutrition

    Dr. Andreas Blüthner, BASF
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

    The Strategic Alliance SAFO (Strategic Alliance for Fortification of Oil) between BASF and GTZ supports local producers in the fortification of staple foods with essential nutrients, in particular Vitamin A. Besides technical training, a mobile testing kit was developed to assist quality control and monitoring  more[...]

    The Author




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