Banca Popolare di Sondrio was founded in Sondrio in 1871 and was one of the first Italian banks inspired by the popular cooperative banking movement. Thanks to the gradual extension of its activities and territorial presence, over the years the bank has taken on a supra-regional dimension, with extensive operational abilities throughout Italy, while maintaining a strong link with its area of origin.
Poor air quality kills millions of people every year and causes health problems in varying degrees of severity. Addressing this problem requires a solid understanding of the atmosphere, which can be achieved only through observations, both globally and locally. For more than 80 years, Vaisala has provided high-quality instruments for measuring the environment and has recently expanded to air-quality observations in order to provide the data needed to take action toward cleaner air. more[...]
The Maurice Ile Durable initiative, introduced by the Mauritian government, which set out a long-term vision for sustainable development, prompted the Rogers Group to commit to help protect the island’s rich coastal and marine ecosystems over a five-year period to 2018. more[...]
Since the inception and launching of its Social Vision in 2012, Manila Doctors Hospital has proven that profitability and investing significantly in social responsibility programs can be done harmoniously and productively. more[...]
Creative innovation strategy for human rights, climate change, and the fight against corruption
For 2017, Andorra has set itself the objective of consolidating the country’s efforts to open up beyond its borders, renew the Andorran educational system, and improve its communication infrastructure with the construction of a national heliport. However, one major challenge that stands out within the environmental arena is the commitment to energy diversification and sustainability. more[...]
At EY, we believe everyone should be able to contribute toward and share in the benefits of economic growth. With billions of people still living without affordable access to essential goods and services, that may feel a long way from reality. We are proud to be working with a new breed of impact investors and entrepreneurs who are making it their business to tackle this inequality, driving inclusive growth by generating better answers to some of society’s toughest challenges. When these businesses work better, the world works better, which is why helping to accelerate their growth and impact is a vital part of fulfilling our purpose of building a better working world. more[...]
In 2016, we decided on six corporate responsibility goals. They mark out the path we have set for ourselves to achieve our CAP 2030 strategy and take into account the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) laid down by the United Nations. Although the SDGs are not aimed directly at companies, we firmly believe that these goals cannot be met without the active contribution of business organizations. We fully embrace the global approach of the SDGs, while remaining aware that we are but one of the many actors in this movement. more[...]
Deutsche Post DHL Group is the world’s leading mail and logistics company. The Group is focused on being the first choice of customers, employees, and investors in its core business activities worldwide. As a longstanding partner of the United Nations (UN), Deutsche Post DHL Group strongly supports all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and we have set the course for sustainable development across our family of divisions. more[...]
The business case for sustainability is well established, with sustainable business leaders citing growth and new business opportunities as reasons for tackling sustainability challenges. more[...]
In a world challenged by a growing population, booming urbanization, and the clear issues surrounding climate change, energy-efficient solutions – doing more with less – are a ready-to-use answer. more[...]
In a digitized environment, people, objects, and machines are connected to one another. These networks also open up new areas of application that promote sustainability. They make household appliances and vehicles more efficient, and make it easier to use renewable sources of energy reliably. Bosch is making an active contribution to shaping this development with innovative solutions in all of its business sectors. These allow value creation while at the same time conserving natural resources. more[...]
Banca Popolare di Sondrio was founded in Sondrio in 1871 and was one of the first Italian banks inspired by the popular cooperative banking movement. Thanks to the gradual extension of its activities and territorial presence, over the years the bank has taken on a supra-regional dimension, with extensive operational abilities throughout Italy, while maintaining a strong link with its area of origin. more[...]
The UN climate conference in Paris marked a turning point in global climate and energy policy: For the first time, all 195 member states of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change committed themselves to protecting the climate and agreed to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius. In order to build a low-carbon economy by 2050, the European Union aims to progressively reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent compared to 1990. more[...]
Created in 2008, the ACCIONA Microenergia Foundation has mainly focused on providing electricity to 11,500 households in isolated rural communities in Mexico and Peru that have no prospect of being served by the conventional distribution grid. It does this by arranging economically sustainable programs centered around “social microenterprises” that use solar home systems to provide a basic electricity supply that is affordable for very-low-income users. Under the social microenterprise approach, users receive electricity from a solar home system, making it affordable in relation to their incomes. more[...]
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