• Human Rights – SANOFI Approach

    Tatiana Campos-Rocha, Sanofi

    In line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Sanofi has adopted an ambitious and holistic approach to ensure that human rights are soundly integrated throughout all the Group’s operations. For Sanofi, it is essential to ensure that respect for human rights is integrated into our business activities everywhere we operate, including in countries considered to be at risk for matters concerning human rights.  more[...]

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  • Participatory Communication with Employees

    Pierina Amayo, Copeinca

    CFG Investment and COPEINCA are Peruvian fishing companies that belong to the Pacific Andes Group. They are engaged in the extraction, processing, and production of fishmeal and fish oil for indirect human consumption. Also, they aim for direct human consumption through the production of canned mackerel and anchovy. Since september 2013 the integration process of these companies started and in the near future we expect to conclude this fusion process. Both companies are committed to sustainable development as a smart way to do business, considering that to ensure sustainability is an essential requirement to ensure that ethical principles, respect for people and the environment meet the challenges of acting on social responsibility and environmental, the Millennium Development Goals and Global Compact principles.  more[...]

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  • Business Ethics

    Business ethics - some also call it corporate ethics - deals with moral principles and social values. It is based on the assumption that as an individual as well as organization you should act ethically. According to Andrew Crane, "Business ethics is the study of business situations, activities, and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed."  more[...]

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  • More Than Just a Bank

    Mara Simonini, Banca Popolare di Sondrio
    Banca Popolare di Sondrio

    Our way of being a bank also involves our interest in the world of culture. And if “promoting culture” is an ambitious task for us, then we dedicate our resources to and make a commitment toward creating opportunities for interaction between the general public and the world of knowledge, history, and art.  more[...]

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  • Sustainable Business Cases

    The concept of a green economy has become the new buzz word in sustainability discourses, particularly in light of the Rio+20 Conference. Because of the current economic crisis and the perception that sustainability politics cannot be implemented efficiently, politicians have set their hopes on greening the economy. However, in everydays work it turns out that it isn´t that easy. What are good strategies, solutions, examples?  more[...]

    The Author
  • Coop Naturaplan – 20 Years of Commitment to Organic Agriculture

    Conradin Bolliger, COOP
    Alexandra Sauer, COOP
    Christian Waffenschmidt, COOP

    The cultivation of agricultural crops and the production of food are resource-intensive activities that negatively impact the environment and society. About one-third of the Swiss population’s ecological footprint is due to food consumption. Coop is the second-largest retailer in Switzerland. The cooperative has lived up to its responsibility by promoting organic and fair agriculture for more than 20 years.  more[...]

    The Author
  • The Bank Everyone Can Trust and Rely On

    May Myat Thu, Ayeyarwady Bank
    Ayeyarwady Bank

    AYA Bank has strived to become a “trusted partner” for everyone in the community and all its stakeholders, as its slogan indicates. To effectively become a partner that everyone trusts, AYA Bank believes in committing to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact as part of its strategy and practice, focusing on fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities to the community it serves.  more[...]

    The Author
  • Where does CSR begin? Where does it end?

    Dr. Elmer Lenzen

    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become firmly established in the business lexicon. Although some conversation partners still need to be reminded of what CSR really is and why it is important, most of them understand its value by now. Indeed, this leads to many different expectations for CSR, such that discussions around it today are shifting toward putting limits on the term and creating rules around it. Where does CSR begin? Where does it end?  more[...]

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    Dr. Elmer Lenzen
  • CSR in Africa

    Editorial Team

    For many years Africa is the hotspot for hunger and conflicts. But besite all these troubles ether is also a change for change and hope arising. More countries become aware of the ptential CSR has and include corporate responsibility as a fundanetla brickstone for developing citizenship. Our special illustrates variuos aspects.  more[...]

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    Editorial Team
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  • Responsible Lobbying

    Dr Stephanos Anastasiadis, Royal Holloway, University of London
    Dr Sigrun M. Wagner, Royal Holloway, University of London

    Lobbyists paying elected representatives to place questions in the UK parliament. Arms manufacturers giving South African officials BMWs in exchange for armaments contracts. Smoke-filled back rooms featuring stuffed brown envelopes. No wonder lobbying has a bad name. But these are not images of lobbying: They depict corruption, albeit in a policymaking setting. These actions are morally suspect and usually illegal. They also contravene the UN Global Compact: Principle 10 requires the combating of corruption. In fact, lobbying is far more often about committee meetings, reports, and other unspectacular activities. Lobbying can be understood as the focused provision of relevant information, with the intention of influencing public policy or process. Corporate lobbying is not just important for companies; it helps create better public policies, and can therefore have real societal value, despite its bad press.  more[...]

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  • Managing Corporate Legitimacy and the UN Global Compact

    Dr. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, University of Zürich
    Prof. Andreas Georg Scherer, University of Zurich

    Corporations can no longer easily control their public image by means of public relations and marketing. Clearly defined corporate reporting requirements, rigorous third-party monitoring processes, and multiple media resources of watchdog organizations help to shed light on actual business practices. The increased transparency with regard to corporate conduct has also enabled a larger and more diverse group of corporate stakeholders to voice opinions and formulate demands. In particular, large brand name companies in sensitive consumer goods industries (like food or textiles) are now constantly under public scrutiny. For corporations, this situation creates new management challenges. To ensure the social acceptance of their business (corporate legitimacy), heterogeneous and often contradictory stakeholder demands need to be managed.  more[...]

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  • The Author
  • Responsible Lobbying

    Dr Stephanos Anastasiadis, Royal Holloway, University of London
    Dr Sigrun M. Wagner, Royal Holloway, University of London

    Lobbyists paying elected representatives to place questions in the UK parliament. Arms manufacturers giving South African officials BMWs in exchange for armaments contracts. Smoke-filled back rooms featuring stuffed brown envelopes. No wonder lobbying has a bad name. But these are not images of lobbying: They depict corruption, albeit in a policymaking setting. These actions are morally suspect and usually illegal. They also contravene the UN Global Compact: Principle 10 requires the combating of corruption.  more[...]

    The Author




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